Account Balance
Account balance tab will display the pending funds, total sales, total commissions and funds available to withdraw.
Pending Funds After a sale is made you will see the funds show in the pending funds section. You will not be able to withdraw these funds just yet. Funds are only released to total sales and funds available to withdraw once the transaction is complete.
Total Sales This is the amount of all the sales you have made. This amount will only update once a transaction is complete. Click here to read how the process of buying and selling bull semen works.
Total Withdrawals This is the total amount of all the withdrawals you have requested. Once you have requested a withdrawal it will show in the activity log as pending under the status column. This will change to complete once the funds have been released to you.
Total Commissions We charge a 10% commission on the sales price. The total commission amount will be 10% of the total sales amount.
Funds Available To Withdraw This is the amount you can request to withdraw to your paypal account. This amount will be the total sales less the total commissions. The funds available to withdraw amount will go to zero once you have requested a withdrawal.